Nina Cataldo and Kristy Ishii met in 2018 at a community event in Tokyo. They are two like-minded female solopreneurs whose inspiration and passion for supporting one another stretches beyond ocean borders. The two ladies discovered the power of working together when growing a business, and have curated a program that is aimed at supporting Asian women entrepreneurs transform ideas into action.
Why did we create this Brave & Bold Mastermind?
"My motto is: If you can't find what you're looking for, create it. The first step in empowering the community of women like myself was creating a safe space that didn't exist before; thus came Hafu Ladies. Now, it's time to create again by paving the way to provide opportunities for growth - in self and in business - for Asian women entrepreneurs."
Nina Cataldo, Founder of Hafu Ladies
"In my coaching certification, I am one of a handful of Asian Women, out of 200 people. It is difficult to have 1:1 conversations with other coaches. I want other ladies who grew up without much support in an 'unconventional career' to realize that anything is possible. It's okay to be the one leading the way. When you find your tribe, magic happens."